
Why ESG Corporate Monitor? The role of Academia and ESG Corporate Monitor’s purpose


Universities should be the venue to discuss new ideas and to test new concepts. Academia and research centres play a crucial role in shaping not only the application and interpretation of the existing legal framework, but also in promoting and nurturing a culture of sustainable development. That can only be achieved through serious and informed debate and presupposes that everyone – from students to business leaders – have solid knowledge about the topic at hand.


Our purpose is, thus, to provide such knowledge whilst promoting legal literacy in sustainability matters, engage in impactful discussions, and collect data which is required to support legal studies.



Madalena Perestrelo de Oliveira is a Professor at the University of Lisbon School of Law, where she has been teaching since 2011. Her PhD thesis focuses on investors’ protection in capital markets, namely on civil liability for securities fraud and on delisting situations.

Madalena is a regular speaker at several courses and conferences. She helps coordinate various postgraduate and intensive courses in the Lisbon Center for Research in Private Law (CIDP) in the areas of corporate governance, corporate finance, shareholders agreements, investment funds, bankruptcy and breach of contract, and is also a Principal Investigator of the research project publicly known as Lisbon DAO Observatory. She also published several scientific articles and books in her areas of study. Her current focus of study is on technology and decentralized finance and sustainable corporate governance.

Madalena is a non-executive director at Novabase SGPS, S.A., a Portuguese listed company, where she previously held the position of the board of the general meeting’ secretary.

She is also senior of counsel at PLMJ in the Banking and Finance and Corporate M&A practices, and deputy director at the Journal of Financial Law and Capital Markets (RDFMC).


Chen Chen is currently a Guest Lecturer at the University of Lisbon School of Law, where he has been teaching, since 2020, Theory of Civil Law. He graduated from the same university in 2019. 

Chen is also a MsC candidate in the University of Lisbon School of Law, a researcher at the Lisbon Center for Research in Private Law (CIDP) and a member of the Executive Committee of the Journal of Financial Law and Capital Markets (RDFMC).

Chen currently works as an Associate Lawyer at Vieira de Almeida & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, SP R.L. in the Banking & Finance practice area, where he has been working closely with ESG matters, including teaching executive trainings on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).


Ana Alves Leal is currently a Guest Lecturer at the University of Lisbon School of Law, where she has been teaching, since 2009, Theory of Civil Law, Commercial Law, Company Law, Contract Law and Civil Procedural Law. She graduated (2009) and is preparing her doctoral dissertation in Civil Law in that same Faculty.

Ana is also a Researcher at the Lisbon Center for Research in Private Law – CIDP (since 2014) and is a regular speaker at several courses and conferences. She is part of the coordinating teams of numerous conferences and seminars in the areas of Banking Law, Securities Law, Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law. In post-graduation programmes, Ana teaches subjects of Banking Law, Securities Law, Investment Funds, Commercial Litigation, Insolvency Law, FinTech, Corporate Governance, E-Commerce, Contract Law, Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence. She published several scientific articles and books in her areas of study.

Ana is also a trainer in financial intermediation matters (in particular, MiFID II, ESG and BMR) for senior and corporate executives at several financial institutions (2018 -). Lawyer (since 2009) and legal consultant with professional practice in the areas of Banking, M&A, Capital Markets, Private Equity and Third Sector entities.

Ana currently works as Legal Advisor of the Portuguese Minister of the Presidency and of the Secretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (2019 -).


Graduated (2013) in Law at the University of Lisbon School of Law and LL.M. (2014) in European Legal Studies at the College of Europe (Bruges Campus), António Garcia Rolo is currently Guest Academic Assistant in the University of Lisbon School of Law, providing assistance in courses on securities law, corporate finance law, law of obligations and civil enforcement law. António Garcia Rolo has penned various published works on company law, European company law, securities law, european and national aspects of ESG law, cryptoassets and civil and procedural law. António also regularly speaks in academic events and post-graduate courses on topics such as, company law, securities law, ESG legal frameworks and the law of cryptoassets.

He is also a PhD candidate in the University of Lisbon School of Law, a researcher at the Lisbon Center for Research in Private Law, a Principal Investigator of Lisbon DAO Observatory, has been a practicing lawyer, and is currently a legal advisor in the Portuguese Central Bank.


Catarina Granadeiro has been a Guest Lecturer at the University of Lisbon School of Law for the past nine years as well as a legal advisor to a prominent financial group. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University in 2011 and proceeded to pursue, in 2012, her LLM at the Faculty of Law of Georgetown University in Washington DC. Her exposure to American Law led her to apply to the New York Bar which he approved in 2014 whilst working as an International Associate for the law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP. On her return to Portugal, she worked for three years in the law firm Uría Menendez - Proença de Carvalho and for Banco de Portugal, the Portuguese banking supervisor at the Financial Regulation Department. Her expertise ranges from Comparative Law, Securities, the Law of Obligations, Banking and Financial law and, since 2018, all matters ESG related. She is a keen enthusiast for legal matters with a purpose and that is precisely what ESG combines: a liaison between good causes and the law.


Filipe Sousa has a Law degree (2022) at University of Lisbon School of Law and finished the Company Law Master’s degree curricular phase at the same institution. His Master’s thesis will focus on ESG topics and will be guided by Professor Madalena Perestrelo de Oliveira.

He has completed the curricular phase of two post-graduate studies, which were about Corporate Governance, Compliance and Public Regulation (2022) and Company Law (2023). Also won the first Criminal Law Moot Court (2020), promoted by the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences.

He is currently attending an internship at BAS – Sociedade de Advogados.


Graduated in Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (2013) and LL.M. in European Legal Studies at the College of Europe, Bruges Campus, (2014), Mafalda de Sá is currently writing her PhD thesis, to be presented at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, on the topic of Bank Resolution. As of September 2023, she is Teaching Assistant at the Porto School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University.

Mafalda has published research in the area of Company Law and Banking Law, including on ESG matters, and teaches in the postgraduate course on Banking, Capital Markets and Insurance Law at Instituto de Direito Bancário, da Bolsa e dos Seguros (Coimbra).

She was a member of the Executive Monitoring Committee of the Corporate Governance Code of the Instituto Português de Corporate Governance from 2018 to 2020.


Luca Enriques is Statutory Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Oxford, a Research Fellow at the European Corporate Governance Institute and a Fellow Academic Member of the European Banking Institute. He has published widely in the fields of comparative corporate law and financial regulation. Representative publications include The Anatomy of Corporate Law (with Reinier Kraakman and others) and Principles of Financial Regulation (with John Armour and others).

Between 2007 and 2012 he was a commissioner at the Italian securities market authority. Before joining the Oxford Faculty of Law, he was Professor of Business Law at the University of Bologna and at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, and a consultant to Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton. He has also advised the Italian Ministry of the Economy and Finance on corporate and financial markets policy issues throughout the years.

He held visiting positions, among others, at Harvard Law School (as Nomura Professor of International Financial Systems), IDC Herzliya, the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law and Sydney Law School.

He holds a Degree in law at the University of Bologna, an LLM at Harvard Law School and a Doctorate in Business Law at Bocconi University in Milan.


PhD in Law and Associate Professor with Aggregation at the University of Lisbon School of Law (FDUL) and Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University. Lawyer, legal consultant and arbitrator. Researcher at the Private Law Research Centre (FDL). Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting of Galp SGPS, SA (since 2019), Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting of Galp Gás Natural Distribuição, S.A. (2018-2022), member of the Steering Committee of the Resolution Fund (2017-2021), member of the editorial board of the Journal of Company Law (RDS) and the Journal of Financial Law and Capital Markets (RDFMC), of the executive committee of the Commentary of the Portuguese Commercial Companies Code; was a member of the coordinating committee of the editorial board of the Competition & Regulation Magazine (C&R). Member of the list of arbitrators of the Commercial Arbitration Centre of the Lisbon Commercial Association (Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and of the Commercial Arbitration Institute of the Porto Commercial Association. Member of the board of the Portugal Mozambique Chamber of Commerce (since 2018). Member of the Governance Lab.  Member of the CAM - Commission for Monitoring and Follow-up of the Corporate Governance Code (Portuguese Institute of Corporate Governance and AEM - Association of Listed Companies). Member of several working groups in charge of legislative work in Portugal, Cape Verde, Angola and Guinea. Author of several articles and monographs and speaker at conferences and postgraduate courses, particularly in the areas of commercial, corporate and securities law, economic law and arbitration.


Heloísa Oliveira holds a degree in law (2007) and a Ph.D. (2020) by the University of Lisbon School of Law, with a thesis on environmental damage and reparation. She is Guest Assistant Professor at the same school since October 2020; prior to that, she was a lecturer since 2007. She is a Research Fellow at Lisbon Public Law Research Center – where she is PI for the Legal Roadmap for Sustainability and the Climate Litigation Observatory projects – and a Consultant at the Legal Service of the Portuguese Government. She teaches environmental law, fundamental rights, international public law, and European Union Law. Her research is on environmental law from an administrative, international, and European Union Law and fundamental rights perspective. Currently, her focus is on the transition to a circular economy and climate litigation. She has participated in many scientific meetings and published several papers and book chapters on her area of research, as well as three books. She acted as the Chief of Staff for the Secretary of State of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, from 2017 to 2019; and as a legal adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, from 2015 to 2017. In the private sector, she was a lawyer at Cuatrecasas, from 2007 to 2011.


Visiting Professor of Banking Law and Corporate Governance at the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University, in the Business Master's Degree and in the Master's Degree in Law and Management. Visiting Professor of Corporate Governance at the Lisbon MBA. Partner of Sérvulo & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados, RL, and co-coordinator of the Financial Law, Capital Markets and Corporate Governance Department.

Coordinator of the Governance Lab research group (www.governancelab.org). Scientific Coordinator of the Securities and Financial Markets Congress. Chairman of the Legalink FinTech Forum. Chairman of the Board of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Banking Association (since 2016) and of the Portuguese Compliance and Regulatory Observatory (since 2017). Member of the Code Monitoring and Follow-up Committee of the Portuguese Institute of Corporate Governance (since 2018). Master in Law (FDUL, 1997).

Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Financial Law and Capital Markets (RDFMC) and member of the Scientific Committee of the Competition & Regulation Magazine (C&R).

In the past he has held positions as: Member of the Scientific Committee of the IOSCO Annual Conference 2021; Vice-Chairman of the Public Company Practice and Regulation Subcommittee of the International Bar Association (2011-2012); Member of the Drafting Committee of the Corporate Governance Code of the Portuguese Institute of Corporate Governance (2011-2013); Director of the International and Regulatory Policy Department (2006-2008) of the Portuguese Securities Market Commission; Director of the Issuers Department of the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (2000-2006); Assistant Professor at the University of Lisbon School of Law (1993-2006); Member of the Revision Committee of the Portuguese Securities Market Code (1997-1999); Member of the Coordination Committee of the National Council of Financial Supervisors (2006-2008). Member of the European Securities Committee (2006-2008); Member of the Chairman's Bureau of the OECD Steering Group on Corporate Governance (2006-2008); Member of the working group set up at the OECD to draw up the OECD Principles on Corporate Governance (1998-1999); Member of the Steering Group on Corporate Governance organised by the OECD (1999-2008).

The Partners of this Project will be announced here.